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UCAS UK Roadshow Manchester 2022 - Manchester Central, UK

About the Event

Spanning the full year, the UCAS roadshow of events brings the future to the doorsteps of young people in the UK that are about to leave secondary education as it travels from venue to venue.

How we Helped

From major event venues to university campuses, our task was to bring a vibrant and consistent event to the expectant audience.

From the very first at Manchester Central, we set out as we mean to go on: delivering engagement and doing our part to drive growth amongst the sector through reliable build and delivery up and down the UK.


Manchester Central, UK


The UCAS roadshow brings hundreds of universities, colleges, apprenticeship providers and employers to young people of school leaver's age across the entirety of the UK.


  • Delivery operations and planning
  • Stand fittings 
  • Electrical services
  • Floor covering
  • Sustainable graphic print, installation and recycling
  • Furniture delivery

You can view our photos from the event here.

Need this type of support for your next event? Contact us today and let's have a chat!