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Event Academy Module 5B - Choosing Your Squad

Exhibiting is always a team effort. From brainstorming concepts for the space to nailing those all-important conversions, successful exhibiting takes a whole host of people from a range of disciplines to get it right.

One of the most important groups you’ll need singing from your hymn sheet is the team you take with you for the open days of the event. In the old days, it was all about unleashing your most extroverted salesperson and letting them work the floor. You still need that killer instinct on your team, but they should be part of a much more diverse group that can fulfill every aspect of your objectives.

So how do you go about building a team that can do everything? You don’t need to go all Ocean’s 11. In fact, it’s incredibly simple. From all the events we’ve been a part of – both as an exhibitor or as a partner with our clients - we’ve distilled that knowledge into a bitesize video for you to absorb.

So, grab a cup of coffee and have a watch over our video, and by the time you're done, you'll be an exhibition pro. Happy team building!