US Organizer Client Content

Choose Kindness

Written by Chuck Grouzard | Jan 1, 2025 1:14:39 PM

Hi everyone,

It’s great to be able to welcome you to our May newsletter. I want to open by saying two words we say a lot but ring especially true as we continue to navigate the exhibitions and events industry together in 2023: Thank You!

It’s May, and the hard-working, talented GES team members across North America have already produced over 790 successful exhibitions, events, and special projects. For the balance of 2023, we are forecasting another 1200 exhibitions, events, and special projects. Some of the clients we have partnered with in 2023 date back to over 40 years of trusting, collaborating, and being partners through the highs and lows. Equally important is a big welcome to over 235 new GES clients who are transitioning to be part of the GES family in 2023. Our goal is to take what you consider good and make it GREAT! So again, thank you to our existing and new clients for your vote of confidence and trust. We will never take that for granted.

Over the past few months, my travel schedule has been replicating 2019. I have had the chance to visit, plan and or produce shows in Washington DC, San Diego, Seattle, Orlando, Columbus, New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, San Francisco, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and of course, Chicago, my hometown. During a recent 12-day trip, I made a cup of coffee in my hotel room and started to reflect on the past few years. Boy, how our industry has come together, we have survived, and we continue to forge ahead with optimism and hope. I am so grateful to be able to continue to do what I love with the people I admire and enjoy working with. I paused as I made my second cup of coffee and thought, besides work, family, friends, or creating fun new moments and memories, what more could I do to make a positive impact on others? 

I entered the bathroom, and I was greeted by a simple message on the shower wall, “BE KIND”. It hit me, of all places to be reminded, of something so simple yet so powerful. I know this is not a new saying or a new revelation for most people, but let’s be honest, in between the rat race or the day-to-day rollercoaster we navigate as a new normal, we can sometimes forget about this simple two word, call to action “BE KIND,”. So, what does it mean to be kind? 

It’s being selfless, caring, compassionate, and unconditionally caring. Like love, it takes practice to understand and feel it. We share love with others through simple acts such as a smile, a friendly word, an unexpected deed, a thoughtful gesture, or a planned surprise. So, as I finished getting ready, I thought to myself, kindness can mean different things to different people. The meaning is how YOU choose to show it. And as I left my hotel room to head to the convention center, I chose to make an extra effort to be kind throughout the day - nothing major but authentic acts of kindness. It was great to see the reaction from others, some who I never met before, reacting to my simple gestures, compliments, and interactions. It felt great! 

As I wrapped up a busy and productive 12-day trip, I did a recap of my journey. At the top of my list was a reminder to prioritize as often as I can the call of action to “BE KIND.” I need to remind myself it can be little things that are equally important to big acts of kindness. So, I ask each one of you this one simple question – what would happen if you committed to performing at least one act of kindness daily? I am going to challenge myself, and I will challenge you too, to simply “BE KIND.” One day at a time. Ready. Set. Go. 

Enjoy some exciting GES updates and insights from your GES team members throughout the newsletter. Learn about our Silver Level Certification from the Event Industry Council, view our 2022 ESG Report, watch our 2023 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration video, learn about the new Show Organizer Playbook, and see how GES is giving back to communities and organizations in our industry. 

Please email or call me at 773-619-4426 to share your stories of kindness and if you have questions or comments regarding the information in our newsletter.  

Be Safe, Stay Positive, and of course, BE KIND! 

EVP Business Development