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Into 2024 and Beyond

As we approach the end of 2023, it would be easy for us to look back and ponder all that we’ve achieved in partnership with some incredible companies. But, while we’re proud of the great strides we have made in 2023, we’re as focused as ever on the future – to understand what we want to achieve, how we want to achieve it and set ourselves ambitious targets that set us apart.  

To do this, we need to get to grips with the forthcoming trends within our market and ensure we are equipped to not only meet changing needs, but exceed them. 


Unsurprisingly, we predict that sustainability will continue to take a front seat and heavily influence business choices in the coming year. Rising temperatures, flooding and innumerable freak weather events suggest climate change is no longer just a consideration for future generations. It is here. And it needs addressing. 

We find that our clients are enquiring more and more about what our sustainability efforts and how they can work with us to create the most environmentally conscious solution. We actively seek likeminded companies to partner with – businesses that share our values and place similar emphasis on their responsibility to the planet. We already re-use materials, provide rentable options, repurpose items and use recycled materials wherever possible. And to date we’ve worked with our partners to divert 6,000 tonnes of exhibition waste from landfill – statistics we’re extremely proud of.

The commitment we have already made means we’re confident in our role as leaders in the field of sustainability and we’re looking forward to continuing this momentum in 2024 and beyond. 


Looking ahead , it is this leadership and accomplishment that we will aim to replicate in the field of accessibility too. 

We always explore the best ways in which we can make our solutions accessible to everyone. However - much like the rest of the world - we are increasingly aware of the need to acknowledge and address, not just physical barriers, but neurological ones too. As we better understand the needs of neuro-diverse guests we’re becoming adept at designing and building environments that accommodate and welcome differing needs. And we hope to see this evolve even more in 2024. There is a growing need to engage with those with lived experience and we’re expecting to see more of our peers entering into valuable dialogue with the neuro-diverse community. 

Ultimately, we want everyone to feel welcomed and acknowledged regardless of their physical, intellectual, or sensory needs and this will be a focus for next year and beyond. 

Artificial Intelligence

Among the most uttered phrases of recent times is the divisive subject of AI. The topic has dominated discussion and become a mainstay on conference programmes this year, as we try to get to grips with its potential and its unknown effects. But we’re not far from experiencing it first hand. We are set to see the world of artificial intelligence move from science fiction to science fact and we’re excited to see where it leads. 

And while there is huge scepticism about the implications of AI, we’re confident that it will serve to not only enhance events but increase their popularity. Live, face-to-face engagement may well be the final authentic medium – unable to hide behind algorithms and digital excellence – and we’re excited to see it flourish.  We’re all for embracing new possibilities and using advances in technology to make our medium even more powerful.

Face-to-face Events 

We’re in the experience business, and while technology will continue to have its place, augmenting what we do, it’s the conversations that happen live and face-to-face that will continue to have the most value. 

We have undoubtedly seen that post-pandemic there is renewed enthusiasm for events. Absence may well have made the heart grow fonder, and event professionals are looking to do things not just bigger, but better than ever before. And that involves being better ambassadors for our environment and advocates for those who need our voice. 

We’re ready for 2024 and are excited to work in partnership with our industry peers to make it a year of embracing difference, protecting our planet, and exploring technology.

If you're looking for support for your next event, contact us today, and let's get started.