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John Loveless

Favorite part of working at GES?
It really is all about the people. My coworkers and clients are some of my favorite people and I really enjoy spending time with them. It is great when we are at show site or in meetings and you understand some of the personal motivations driving people’s thoughts. That is when you can really understand where someone is coming from and what they bring to the table.

Where can you find me when I'm not working?
Hopefully with family or friends. Often accompanying them to a local craft brewery with an IPA in my hand. Occasionally a golf course is involved but not frequently enough.

What brings me to my happy place? 
Usually, a plane headed to a beach.

If I was not working in the Exhibitions and Events Industry, what would I be doing?  
Some would say that I dream of being a Secret Service agent.

What was my first job? 
I worked for the Medina Parks and Recreation department for six years, mowing outfields and dragging ballfields.

Recently, I have enjoyed watching... 
Shrinking and The Last of Us