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McKenna Mikschl

Favorite part of working at GES?
The people! Since my first day, it has been so evident how much the people here invest in each other. I find myself genuinely laughing every time I interact with my co-workers and I feel so lucky to be here. It is also amazing to be a part of an organization that prioritizes and promotes consistent learning and development. As someone new to my career, I am so excited to have the chance to learn from the best!

Where can you find me when I'm not working?
Usually at the beach or trying a fun new restaurant! I am new to Chicago and trying to take in everything I can! I also love going to music festivals and baseball games! 

What brings me to my happy place? 

  • My dogs
  • Family
  • Friends
  • The beach
  • A nice sunny day!

What would be my superpower?

If I was not working in the Exhibitions and Events Industry, what would I be doing?  
I think it would be cool to do something in journalism and media. My friends and I joke about starting a podcasting group all the time.

What was my first job? 
I worked as a hostess at a restaurant in my hometown, it gave me the best experience in beginning my career in hospitality!

Recently, I have enjoyed watching... 
Anything on Bravo; it is my guilty pleasure. I just caught up on Summer House and am now working on Southern Charm.